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Daisy is Going to Edinburgh!

So not long after my solo show at the South Dallas Cultural Center opened I recieved word that I was being considered for the Edinburgh Arts Festival in August 2015! I was so psyched about it because as I was preparing for the show I was thinking about how I might market and build the exposure for this new body of work. So when my dear friend Frank Mosley informed me that he had referenced my name to the show curator I was extremely excited. Not to mention that it is an extreme honor to be recommended by Frank because he is an amazing artist and filmmaker. I really admire his work and its an honor to show with him, as well as another good friend Devon Nowlin.

Nonetheless, I am even more excited that three pieces from my Everyday Use series were selected by the GARAGE art gallery to feature "Daisy's Casual Corner"; "Infinitely and Beyond"; and "The Gathering" at the Edinburgh Arts Festival in August 2015.


Daisy's (Casual Corner), 18-digital inkjet prints, 2015


The Gathering, digital inkjet on construction paper, 2015


"Infinity and Beyond," embroidered fabric and digital inkjet on fabric, 2015

These works mean so much to me personally because they are about my family. For one, the "Daisy" series is about my grandmother Daisy and she loved to travel! Infinity and The Gathering are about my parents and my family traditions so it's just so exciting. I got really great feedback from the Daisy series at the South Dallas Cultural Center so I look forward to seeing the response in Edinburgh. Looks like I'm going to the UK again!

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